According to the Lecture of the 3rd degree (Utah Ritual) "The master's word was forever lost for it had been agreed upon between Solomon, King of Israel, Hiram, King of Tyre, and Hiram Abiff that it should not be given except in the presence of all three, and now one of their number was gone....And he [King Solomon] then ordained... that the first word spoken after raising the body should be the substitute for the lost Master's Word until future generations discover the right."
According to Masonic Tradition the Master's word was lost. It was not lost due to the fact that a knowledge of it had vanished at once, in the death of all three Grand Masters, but because the ordained practice of revealing it to a new Master had been broken. It is plausible that King Solomon and Hiram, King of Tyre could have revealed the Master's Word but it would not have had efficacy of performing its true purpose had they done so.
One of the sticking points of ritual, though, during the formation years of Masonic Ritual was the fact that some thought that the Master's Word should not be lost forever, but should be discovered by those who dedicate the time and initiative to find it. Hence the Royal Arch Degree, the discovery of the Lost Word, the true name of God, by those who dig and search through the many levels of half-truths and philosophies to finally discover the Light of Masonry.
I write this to announce my petitioning of the York Rite and my feelings of doing so. I have always been fascinated by medieval europe, knighthood, and more specifically the Knight
s Templar (this was way before the Templars were Dan Browned). I am proud to be able to say that I will be a Knight of the Temple of Solomon, a soldier of Christ. Why is this so important?

The Christian Mason should inherently believe that the Master's Word was revealed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of John, Chapter 1, Verse 1:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God
This is how the apostle John, one of the Patron Saints of Masonry, introduced the mission of Christ. He restored the Word that had been lost due to the breaking of the ordained processes that had been established since the beginning. Christ is our way to Eternal Life, to that Celestial Grand Lodge Above. He, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, raises us through the resurrection to be heirs of the Kingdom of God.
It is my honor to take part in the Masonic Degrees that emphasize that the Master's Word is no longer lost, but can be found. And it is my duty to be that Soldier of Christ and defend his message and purpose.
For those who say that the York Rite, especially the Chivalric Orders, have no place in Masonry due to their overt Christian Themes do not understand the light that is communicated through those degrees and orders.
Sincerely, Fraternally, and Faithfully,