Sunday, June 7, 2009

Freemasonry-Modern Day Gadiantons?

One of the concerns that my wife had when we discussed my efforts in petitioning a lodge was that I was joining a modern day order of Gadianton Robbers. As I thought more on my decision, I knew that Freemasonry was not one of the Secret Combinations of the Book of Mormon. At first glance however, they might appear similar. So, the question is, is there a difference?

Who are the Gadianton Robbers:
The account of the formation of the Robbers of Gadianton and their exploits can be found in the Book of Helaman in the Book of Mormon. They were formed under the direction of a man named Kishkumen who bound these men with secret oaths with the intent of murdering the chief magistrate of the land. After accomplishing their task, they continued to work their works of darkness and spread fear and deceit amid the people. There were several incarnations of the band of Gadianton throughout the history that is contained within the Book of Mormon. All of these incarnations followed the exact same pattern as set forth by the original Robbers of Gadianton, as well as the Secret Combinations that were found amid the Jaredite People, whose history is contained in the Book of Ether in the Book of Mormon.

Characteristics of the Gadianton Robbers:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint prints student manuals for many of its education systems. The following list is taken from the Book of Mormon Student Manual-Religion 121 and 122, copyrighted in 1989 and 1996. I have changed the order of the list. The original numbers are placed in parenthesis;
1 (6): The objectives of such secret combinations are power or gain, or both.
2 (7): These organizations use immorality, money, and violence to achieve their ends.
3 (4): Secrecy is one of the basic tenets of such organizations.
4 (5): Joined with the idea of secrecy is the idea of making covenants.
5 (3,8): Such organizations flourish and thrive when the more part of the people are wicked and seek to benefit from the spoils of such wickedness, and, the only way to lastingly curtail these organizations once they are established and begin to flourish is through conversion of the people to righteousness.
6 (1,2): The devil is the inspiration and source of all such organizations, and, such organizations are viewed by the Lord as constituting a wickedness "above all the wickedness of the whole earth."

Does Freemasonry meet the requirements:
1: The objective of Freemasonry are Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth.
2: Freemasonry uses biblical allegories to achieve its objectives.
3*: Secrecy is a basic tenant of Freemasonry.
4*: Freemasonry requires its members to make obligations.
5: As the world becomes more and more decadent, as it looses its moral and ethical fiber, Freemasonry actually dwindles in membership, yet it encourages the regrowth of such virtues.
6: I have a difficult time believing an organization that Joseph Smith joined and encouraged would be inspired by the Devil.
*You probably noticed that two of the "requirements" match. The two that match are gimmies however. First, for members of the L.D.S. faith, the rituals and ceremonies are maintained in secrecy, even though we prefer the term sacred. Second, in an L.D.S. Temple, covenants are made and members are placed under obligation to keep those covenants. Even in the world, in business meetings, the business of large corporations are kept secret, and nobodies generally declares the Disney Corporation as being a secret combination and many public officials takes obligations to maintain the duty of their office.

Freemasonry does not bear any more resemblance to the Robbers of Gadianton than the Disney Corporation or the President of the United States, or even the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. As can be seen, Freemasonry actually encourages the growth of such virtues that dismantle the power and strength that allow these Secret Combinations to survive and grow.
Sincerely, Fraternally, and Faithfully,


  1. You know, as an LDS Mason, I have heard the whole comparison made with the Gadianton robbers, but never gave it much credence. I am currently in Afghanistam, and I just read through the sections of the BOM about the Gadianton robbers. As i did, it struck me how much the Taliban is like the GR's. They hide in the wilderness, they seek to take away freedom, etc. etc. I think that is a much more apt comparison!
